My background
Although I myself am very little interested in my history, the question about it comes up again and again. So here is an overview of the most important things for you to read: How did I come to spirituality?

At the age of 16, I began devouring books in the field of psychoanalysis and constructivism. It was clear to me early on that I wanted to study psychology. So, after graduating from high school and completing my civil service, I moved to Vienna.
Immediately after completing my studies, I took the leap into self-employment as a business trainer and coach. I pursued further training and tried various therapy methods myself. However, I was far from satisfied with the results. Science could not quench my thirst for knowledge either, as it primarily deals with phenomena that can be objectified and measured. Although I had already published my first book with the renowned Beltz-Verlag at the age of 29 and taught as a lecturer at the University of Vienna and several universities of applied sciences, one day, I stood in my kitchen and painfully realized that I was “theoretically happy but fundamentally unhappy and empty in my heart.” Achieving all my goals in the external world could not fulfill me. Something fundamental had to change.
The turning point came in the form of a friend who invited me to a spiritual self-experience seminar shortly thereafter. Within a few days, so much moved within me, and I gained so much tangible contact with myself that I was on fire and started meditating around the clock. In the coming years, I rearranged all my professional appointments around the spiritual retreats I attended around the world. After some time, I felt my facade crumbling completely – I could no longer “function” as I used to with willpower and ambition. I needed a break to be able to put myself back together from scratch. So, I embarked on an eighteen-month sabbatical to travel the entire world. To follow my intuition completely and enter the flow of life, I always booked one-way tickets and rented accommodations on a daily or weekly basis.
During my travels, I encountered countless shamans, healers, and spiritual teachers in Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia, and Hawaii from whom I learned a great deal. However, I spent most of my time in India. Mysteriously, at some point, two Satsang teachers started working exclusively with me in their private spaces. So, it was only a matter of time before my final awakening occurred at the ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi. In this self-realization, I remembered that this grace had already been bestowed upon me at the tender age of eight in dreamless sleep. However, the realization of my true self had filled me with such terrible fear at that time that I had been on the run from it all my life.
Completely transformed, I returned from my world tour. I no longer fit into the world of business training, so in 2010, I founded my own spiritual center in Essen with my new partner. I invited trusted healers and teachers there. Based on my extensive experiences and insights, I developed the “Connecting Healing” method. It is a holistic approach to healing, spiritual growth, and self-realization. The focus is on the transformative power of the spiritual heart. The heart serves as the gateway to the universal intelligence of love, which makes it possible to heal any suffering. Since 2012, I have also been offering training in Connecting Healing.
In 2017, my path diverged from my partner’s. After another journey, this time traveling through Europe in a motorhome, I moved to Cologne. When the pandemic arrived at the end of 2019, my healing work shifted to the online realm. This allowed me to relocate to the Canary Islands, where I now offer meditation retreats with my new partner. Interested individuals can get to know my work through the weekly Tuesday webinar, which is free of charge.
“The meaning of life for me is to bring -heaven- to earth, that is, to manifest the eternal -divine love- in the world.
The portal for this is the spiritual heart.”